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Scaled Agile Framework, Liquid Metal

The Power of SAFe: TMG’s Guide to Scaled Agile Framework

Welcome to our Mastering SAFe series! This is the first of several posts that will dive deep into the meaning and functions of the Scaled Agile Framework and how TMG uses them for success across our broad body of work with Fortune 500 clients. Let’s dig in!


The Scaled Agile Framework, or SAFe as it’s known in the streets, is everywhere. If the conversation involves software delivery, SAFe finds its way into the conversation.

In some circles, it’s touted as the answer to all problems. If you ask Scaled Agile themselves, they’ll tell you that companies who use the framework have happier, more engaged employees, faster time-to-market, increased productivity, and improvements in quality. They have metrics and client testimonials to back up their claims readily available for anyone to read. 

Is all the hype real and are SAFe’s claims accurate? 

We’ll let you decide, but here are the reasons TMG has chosen SAFe as our preferred implementation model. 

Enterprise Scalability

Corporate initiatives are fed directly into the work streams of individual contributors. As executives shape the direction of the company, SAFe provides a framework to decompose corporate goals into actionable initiatives. The result is that everyone’s work is clear and organizations see progress toward initiatives on a regular basis. 

Objective Measures of Success

SAFe emphasizes objective measures of success. These measures point teams to establish regular demonstrations of working software and defined metrics to track. The recommended metrics come from three perspectives: system performance, workflow efficiency, and the achievement of strategic goals. A comprehensive measurement approach ensures alignment with business objectives and continuous improvement.

Adaptability for Any Implementation

The framework allows for non-prescriptive implementations. SAFe is built on established frameworks: Agile, Scrum, Lean and DevOps and allows us to customize your implementation. At TMG, we’ve been able to utilize the guiding principles of SAFe while accounting for size, complexity and organizational structure of individual projects. This flexibility has enabled our teams to deliver more efficiently and implement faster solutions regardless of the working environment.

Framework for Collaboration

Teams can deliver on day 1 with common language and ways of working. SAFe provides clear paths from ideation to completion and defines how roles interact. The phrase “time is money” plays true here. The SAFe collaboration model avoids confusion and wasted time. Teams are more productive, deliver faster and are more engaged as a result. 


SAFe has a saying, “Facts are friends.” Information helps everyone make the best decision possible. When everyone from executives to individual contributors understand what is being completed and when it will be delivered, the entire organization stays aligned to goals and priorities. Cascading backlogs, open demos and collaborative planning are built into a transparent implementation.

Balance of Planning and Flexibility

Organizations have to be nimble to the speed of change, but we know that teams implement most efficiently when their work is planned. Large organizations in particular thrive on planned increments so all involved departments are aligned, but need an apparatus to facilitate last minute changes. SAFe strikes a balance. Roadmaps look several years out and forecast the long-term trajectory, but teams plan in short-term increments and watch new functionality greet customers each quarter. 

Our Approach at TMG

SAFe has been a welcome partner as we collaborate with clients because it’s helped us deliver to clients better. We’ve often been told the work we’re doing is delivered more quickly and raises the quality of everyone’s work because of the way it is streamlined. We’re thrilled to bring real Agile delivery to enterprise companies.

At TMG, we seek partnerships where we can form collaborative, long-term engagements. We take pride in helping clients turn their roadmaps and corporate visions into reality. Our first priority is to listen—truly listen—to what the client wants to achieve. Then, we find the most efficient ways to work alongside each other.

With so much to know and share across  SAFe, this is the beginning of a multi-part series that delves deeper into each of the topics above, exploring how TMG utilizes the tools provided by SAFe and how we customize our approach based on client needs. Watch this space for more SAFe knowledge, or follow along by signing up for TMG insights delivered to your inbox as they’re posted.

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Jackie Alvarez
Jackie Alvarez
August 19, 20244 minute read
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